Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Analysis of Bagasse pol and moisture

bagasse is the fibrous material left over from the sugarcane extraction process, Sugarcane Bagasse is an ingredient in composting. Sugarcane Bagassebagasse is the fibrous material left over from the sugarcaneextraction process, Sugarcane Bagasse is an ingredient in composting.


Object- Determination of pol% and Moisture%Bagasse.
Purpose- to meet process requirement.
Reagents- Horne's dry lead sub acetate.
Equipment- Vertical cylinder, Erlenmeyar flask 250ml capacity, Beaker 250ml capacity  Standardised Brix spindle, Pol tube 400mm , Rapipole extractor, Oven,Dry filter papers and funnel .

Pol tube 

Procedure - pol%bagasse- 250gms. of bagasse sample is taken in the stainless steel vessel of Rapipol Extracter. 2000ml Water (at room temperature ) is added. The vessel is fixed to the bearing bracket, the timer is set for 15 minutes.
After 15 minutes rotation the vessel is taken out and the liquid decanted.
Sufficient amount of Lead subacetate is added and liquid is filtered.
The filtrate is to be polarised in a 400mm tube.
Moisture %bagasse - Take 100gms. of the bagasse in a weighed tray perforated on all sides.Dry in an Oven maintained about 110degC .
Carry out the drying to constant weight.
The loss in weight gives the moisture %.
Observation - Pol readinget =.......
(a)Weight of the tray =......
(b)Weight of the bagasse =100gms.
(c)Weight of tray+ bagasse=.....
(d)Weight of tray +bagasse after drying=........
(e)Weight of bagasse after drying = d-a
Calculation- Moisture %bagasse =100-e and pol%bagasse = direct pol reading recorded above is multiplied by corresponding moisture factor.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Cane Quality and Quality Control

From the point of view of Agroclimatic conditions under which sugarcane is extensively
cui ivated, the country can be divided into three major regions—
(a) Deccan tract comprising Maharashtra and major parts of Karnataka and Gujarat.
(b) Southern starts of Andhra, Tamilnadu, Kerala and Southern parts of Karnataka.
(c) North Indian states of UP, Bihar, Punjab and Rajasthan.
As is well-known he climatic conditions have a great bearing on the maturity and sugar
build-up in sugarcane. The important composition characteristics of the cane quality
which influence the process of manufacture, sugar recovery and finally the productivity
in process of manufacture in different regions are as under—
(a) Deccan—Cane composition in Deccan tract is characterised by high sucrose 13-14.5%,
medium fibre 12.14% and low non-sugars. The reducing sugars are in the range of 0.4
to 0.7% while ash varies from 0.4 to 0.8% juice. The CaO content of raw juice is
around 800-1100 mgms per litre. In the early part of the crushing campaign when
cane is immature the sucrose content is 11-12% while juice purities are about 80
which rise with the advance of maturity to 87-88 when the sucrose content reaches
peak of about 14-14.5% cane.
(b) South—This is low recovery region, where the pol in cane ranges from 10 to 12%
while the juice purities lie between 78-82. The reducing sugar content is about 1.3%
while the ash content is around 0.5-0.6%.
(c) North India—The canes of this region have high fibre 13-16% and low sugar content
10-13%. The juices are rich in phosphate (300-400 ppm) but contain low CaO. The
reducing sugar content of juice varies between about 0.4 to 1% while the mineral
matter i.e. ash ranges from 0.5 to 0.7%.
Notwithstanding the limitations imposed by climatic and other natural factors, modern
cultivation practices based on research work of the various institutes, together with
development of new varieties hold promise of improving the quality of cane in different
regions of the country.

It would thus be obvious that control on quality of cane is not only related to sugar and
non-sugar content of cane but also to the two vital factors discussed above viz. staleness
and extraneous matter content The sugar factory laboratory has undoubtedly an
important role to play in assessing the quality in totality taking into account the
requirements of efficient processing of raw material and monitoring of the cane quality
would involve collection and dissemination of date pertaining to—
(a) pol % cane
(b) extraneous matter in cane
(c) time lag between 'cut' to 'crush'.
With close coordination between field staff and the laboratory which would serve as
monitoring agency evaluating the quality of cane supplied to factory the overall
performance of the process is bound to improve.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Some Important Definitions

Some Definitions of Sugar tech.
1. (i) Chlorophyll : Green colouring matter present in the leaves of plants.
(ii) Photosynthesis : Process by which energy of sunlight is used by plants for
converting C02 from atmosphere and H2O into sugars.
(iii) Maturity : State of full development, ready for use
3. (i) Bagasse : Residue of sugarcane after extracting juice from it.
(ii) Cane preparation : Process of cutting sugarcane to fine pieces.
(iii) Fibre : Thread like slender parts of sugar cane, insoluble in water.
4. (i) Clarification : Treatment of cane juice for removal of suspended and
dissolved impurities.
(ii) Clarifier : Equipment for settling treated cane juice, for decantation of
clear juice and removal of settled portion, termed as mud.
(iii) Filtercake : The insoluble material from treated juice retained on screen
or cloth of filter.
(iv) Clarified juice : The juice obtained after separation of precipitated
or Clear juice impurities.
5. (i) Multiple effect : A set of bodies in which cane juice is concentrated with
evaporator maximum use of vapours generated by boiling of juice.
(ii) Vapour cell or : A boiling vessel in which juice is boiled under pressure, the
pre-evaporator vapour thus generated being used for heating or boiling in
process of manufacture, while the concentrated juice is led to
multiple effect evaporator.
(iii) Exhaust steam : Steam from primemover after generation of power.
(iv) Live steam : Steam from boilers either at the boiler pressure employed for
power generation or at reduced pressure for use in process.
(v) Syrup : Concentrated clear juice from evaporator.
(vi) Brix : Dissolved solids in sugar bearing liquid.
(vii) Condensate : Hot water obtained on condensation of vapour or steam
used for heating or boiling.
(viii) Calandria : Part of a boiling vessel fitted with tubes or coils in which
juices or syrups or thick liquors are heated by steam or
(ix) Scale : (a) Deposit mostly consisting of inorganic salts on the inside
of tubes in boilers or heating and evaporator vessels or
pans.(b) Coating of thin film of material outside the tubes of juice
heaters, evaporator vessels or pans.
(x) Vacuum : State of reduced atmospheric pressure in a vessel.
(xi) Condenser : Apparatus in which vapours are condensed by cooling with
6. (i) Seed : Mass of fine sugar suspended in syrupy liquid boiled in
vacuum pans with sugarbearing liquids.
(ii) Massecuite : Mass of sugar crystals surrounded by sugar containing
liquor, obtained in vacuum pans.
(iii) Molasses : Mother liquor separated from sugar crystals contained in
(iv) Heavy Molasses : Mother liquor obtained by centrifugal separation of sugar
crystals from massecuite with little or no use of water.
(v) Light molasses : Mother liquor obtained during centrifugal operation with
application of water, after separation of heavy molasses from
(vi) Pan : Apparatus in which syrup or molasses are boiled so as to
obtain sugar crystals of the desired size.
(vii) Molasses : Dilution of molasses from different massecuite to about 70°
conditioning Bx followed by heating to 70°C.
(viii) Final molasses : Mother liquor obtained from the last stage of boiling from
which sugar can no longer be recovered economically in the
process of Sugar manufacture.
7. Crystalliser : Apparatus in which the massecuite from pan is discharged,
equipped with stirring mechanism.
8. (i) Centrifugal : Machine for separation of sugar crystals from mother liquor
by rotary motion and centrifugal force.
(ii) Superheated water : Water heated under pressure above its boiling point.
(iii) Spinning or : Separation of Sugar crystals in centrifugal machines,
(iv) Pug mill : Vessel, provided with stirrer, on top of centrifugal machines
receiving massecuite or magma, which feeds the centrifugal
(v) Grass hopper : Sugar conveyor with shaking motion.
(vi) Grader : Apparatus with set of screens subjected to vibrations for
classifying final sugar into different size grains.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Analysis of Juice purity

Object- Determine of brix%, Pol% and purity% of mill juices ( primary,  mixed and last expressed). 
Purpose- to meet process requirement.
Reagents-   Horne's dry lead sub acetate  having following specificaton (a)-Water,not more than 1.5 percent (b)- Total lead (as pbO), not less than 76% (c)- Basic lead (as pbO), not less than 33% (d)- Fineness, all to pass through 35 mesh tyler. To pass through 115 mesh tyler not less than 70%.
Equipment- Vertical cylinder, Erlenmeyar flask 250ml capacity, Beaker 250ml capacity, Standardised Brix spindle, Pol tube, DigitalPolarimeter and Dry filter papers.

Procedure- Brix- Fill the juice to overflow in a cylinder which should be perfectly vertical. Allow the air to escape by standing for 20 minutes.
Gradually lower the brix through hydrometer of approximate range in position. When the spinde
le becomes steady by which time it would also have attained the juice temperature, take the reading of the spindle keeping eye in line with the plane surface of the liquid and note the temperature of the juice.
The corrected brix or brix percent of the juice is given by the reading hydrometer spindle + temperature correction as read from table ivA  corresponding to recorded temperature.
Pol- Transfer about 200ml of juice in to a 300ml Erlenmeyer flask which should have been rinsed with the juice before transferring. Add 2-3g of horne's dry subacetate of lead i.e about 1 gm per 100ml of juice.Shake the flask well and filter , using dry filter papers and Dry funnel. Cover the funnel with a which glass during filtration.
Collect the filtrate in a clean dry beaker, reject the frist few millilitres of the filtrate.
Rinse a 200mm pol tube three time with a portion of the filtrate,  fill the tube,  seeing that there is no air bubbles in it.
Then take the pol reading in apolarimeter. Take average of five reading as the pol reading. Then find Pol percent juice by referring to the schmitz's table.
Observation Table-  Observed brix= ......
                                Temperature =...                   Corrected brix= observed brix+/-         temp.correction
Pol reading in 200 mm tube=........
Pol% (from table )=......
Calculation- Purity of Sample=      (pol%juice/ corrected br%)×100

Competition of Cane

             Composition of Cane       

  Sugarcane fed to mills for processing contains besides the water insoluble fibre, sugars, salts 

and organic matter dissolved in water, some of them being in colloidal state. The 

composition of cane is a function of cultivation practices as also the soil and climatic 

conditions and is therefore bound to exhibit wide variations from area to area and region 

to region. Nevertheless the major constituents of sugarcane are sucrose, reducing sugars, 

fibre and salts which exert profound influence on the economic aspects of cane sugar production.        

                 ↙️                             ↘️
   Fiber                           Brathe
 (10-16%)                      (84-90%)
   ⬇️               ⬇️         ⬇️
Cellulose  Penose  Lignin            ↪️ Water
                                                     ↪️  Soluable
                                ↙      ⬇️        (18-25%)
                           ↙️           ⬇️    
         Sugar                   Non-Sugar 
    (15.5-22.9% )               (1-2.8%)

    ↪️Sucrose                 ↪️Organic
      (14.5-22%)            (0.8-1.645%)
                                                                  amino acid, 
       ↪️Glucose                             Organic acid 
           (0.2-1%)                            phenolic                                                                                      compound etc
    ↪️ Fructose      ↪️ Inorganic
         (0-0.35)           (0.5-1.256%)
                                                  S2O5, K2O4
                                                P2O5, Fe2O5 rtc

Friday, September 21, 2018

Varieties of Canesugar

   Varieties of Canesugar 

1. Co 89003

  • Co 89003 is a high sugared high yielding early maturing clone, selected from the progeny of the cross Co 7314 x Co 775 at Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore and tested at Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Regional Centre, Karnal
  • Due to high sugar and high yield, Co 89003 was recommended for commercial cultivation in Punjab in 1997 and Haryana in 2001
  • Co 89003 has medium thick greenish yellow canes. Sheath splitting is common. Bud groove is prominent and is extended to 3/4th or even entire length of internodes. The clone is free from spines, splits and pith.
  • Co 89003 has about 11% fibre. The jaggery is the golden yellow colour of A1 grade.
  • It is a soft cane and hence also suitable for chewing.
  • Co 89003 showed 31% and 42% improvement of cane yield over CoJ 64 during autumn and spring, respectively. The improvement for sucrose% over CoJ 64 was 3.56% during autumn and 5.56% during the spring season.
  • Co 89003 gives good ratoon.
  • Co 89003 is moderately resistant to the prevalent races of red rot pathogen. However, it is susceptible to wilt disease. The Wilt infection in Co 89003 is associated with root borer and termite infestations. Therefore, the disease can be minimised by applying Chlorpyriphos @ 2 litres/acre at the time of planting / ratooning as well as during August.
Performance of Co 89003 at SBI, Regional Centre, Karnal
ParametersAutumn SeasonSpring Season
 Co 89003 CoJ 64 Co 89003 CoJ 64
Cane yield (t/ha) 90.48 68.81 69.55 49.09
% increase over CoJ 6431.4941.68
Sugar yield (t/ha)10.287.409.506.29
% increase over CoJ 6438.9251.03
Sucrose %16.6016.0319.5618.53
% Increase over CoJ 643.565.56

2. Co 98014

  • Co 98014 (Karan 1) is an early varietybred at the Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Regional Centre, Karnal from the cross Co 8316 x Co 8213.
  • Co 98014 was released in 2007 by the Central Varietal Release Committee for commercial cultivation in North Western Zone (NWZ) comprising States of Haryana, Punjab, Western and Central U.P., Uttarakhand and Rajasthan.
  • Co 98014 is a very tall, medium thin cane bearing greenish yellow canes with cylindrical internodes and long, lanceolate auricle. The clone is free from leaf sheath spines, splits and pith formation.
  • Leaf tip drying is common during summer months, and farmers need not worry about it.
  • The fibre content is about 14%. The jaggery is of brown colour (B grade).
  • This variety is moderately resistant to the prevalent races of red rot pathogen. Co 98014 has hard rind hence less damaged by insect pests and non-insect pest like a rat, wild animals, etc.
  • This variety is suitable for the normal environment, less fertile soil and water logging conditions. It gives comparatively good ratoon under these conditions and even when harvested during winter.
  • Co 98014 gives 22% higher cane yield and 8% higher sugar yield than CoJ 64.

Performance of Co 98014 in All India Coordinated trials conducted in NWZ

ParametersCo 98014CoJ 64CoPant 84211
Cane yield (t/ha)76.2962.7167.75
% increase over checks21.6612.94
Sugar yield (t/ha)9.267.908.31
% increase over checks17.2211.43
Sucrose %17.5918.1817.98
% Increase over checks-3.24-2.17

3. Co0118

  • Co 0118 (Karan 2) is a high sugared early variety bred at the Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Regional Centre, Karnal from the cross Co 8347 x Co 86011.
  • Co 0118 was released in 2009 by the Central Varietal Release Committee for commercial cultivation in North Western Zone (Haryana, Punjab, Western and Central U.P., Uttarakhand and Rajasthan).
  • It is a tall, medium thick variety bearing grey purple cylindrical to obconoidal internodes. It bears self de-trashing type of leaf sheath. Bud shape is oval to obovate. Inner auricle is long lanceolate while outer is shorter. Leaf sheath has spines, but the stalk is free from splits and pith.
  • The fibre content is about 12.78%. The jaggery is of A-1 quality (light yellow colour).
  • Co 0118 is moderately resistant to the prevalent races of red rot and is a substitute for CoJ 64.
  • Co 0118 has recorded 15% higher cane and sugar yields and 3.7% higher sucrose over CoJ 64.
  • In the All India Coordinated Research Project trials conducted in North Western Zone (NWZ), Co 0118 has ranked 3rd in the zone for cane yield, sugar yield and sucrose % in juice.
  • The performance of Co 0118 was better than the ruling standards under water stress and water logging conditions.
  • It requires less Nitrogen than those required for CoS 8436. Co 0118 gave good ratoon yield and showed better sprouting even when harvested during winter.

Performance of Co 0118 in All India Coordinated trials conducted in NWZ

ParametersCo 0118CoJ 64CoPant 84211
Cane yield (t/ha)78.2067.5966.84
% increase over checks15.7017.00
Sugar yield (t/ha)9.888.598.28
% increase over checks15.0119.32
Sucrose %18.4517.9017.65
% Increase over checks3.074.53

4. Co 0238

  • Co 0238 (Karan 4) is a high yielding, the high sugared early variety bred at the Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Regional Centre, Karnal from the cross CoLk 8102 x Co 775. It was released in 2009 by the Central Varietal Release Committee for commercial cultivation in North Western Zone (Haryana, Punjab, Western and Central U.P., Uttarakhand and Rajasthan).
  • It is a tall, medium thick variety bearing grey, brown cylindrical internodes. It bears self de-trashing type of leaf sheath. Shallow bud groove is present. The stalk is free from spines, splits and hollow pith, but spongy pith can be seen under water stress conditions.
  • Leaf tip drying (sun scaled injury) is common during summer months. Farmers need not worry about it.
  • The fibre content is about 13.05%. The jaggery is of A-1 quality with light yellow colour.
  • Co 0238 is moderately resistant to the prevalent races of red rot and is a better substitute for CoJ 64. Top borer management is essential for this variety.
  • In comparison with CoJ 64, Co 0238 showed 20%, 16% and 0.50% improvement of cane yield, sugar yield and sucrose %, respectively.
  • In the All India Coordinated Research Project trials conducted in North Western Zone, Co 0238 has ranked 1st for cane yield, 2nd for sugar yield and 5th for sucrose % in juice in the zone.
  • The performance of Co 0238 was better than the ruling standards under water stress, water logging and saline conditions.
  • Co 0238 requires less Nitrogen than those required for CoS 8436. Co 0238 gave good ratoon and showed better sprouting even when harvested during winter.

Performance of Co 0238 in All India Coordinated Trials conducted in NWZ
ParametersCo 0238CoJ 64CoPant 84211
Cane yield (t/ha)81.0867.5966.84
% increase over checks19.9621.30
Sugar yield (t/ha)9.958.598.28
% increase over checks15.8320.17
Sucrose %17.9917.9017.65
% Increase over checks0.501.93

5. Co 0239

  • Co 0239 (Karan 6) is a high sugared early variety selected from the progeny of Co 93016 GC at the Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Regional Centre, Karnal.
  • Co 0239 was released in 2010 by the Central
Varietal Release Committee for commercial cultivation in North Western Zone (Haryana, Punjab, Western and Central U.P., Uttarakhand and Rajasthan).
  • Co 0239 bears medium thick greenish purple canes, obconoidal internodes, shallow bud groove, oval to rhomboid buds, lanceolate auricle and spines on leaf sheath. The clone is free from splits, pith and bud cushion.
  • The fibre content is about 12.79%. The jaggery is of A-1 quality with light yellow colour. This variety is moderately resistant to the prevalent races of red rot.
  • This clone was evaluated under All India Coordinated Research Project in the North Western Zone. It ranked 1st for sugar yield, 2nd for cane yield and 4th for sucrose % in juice in the zone.
  • In comparison to the check CoJ 64, it showed about 17%, 21% and 3.8% improvement in cane yield, sugar yield and sucrose % in juice, respectively.
  • Co 0239 gives fairly good ratoon.

Performance of Co 0239 in All India Coordinated Trials conducted in NWZ

ItemCo 0239CoJ 64CoPant 84211
Cane yield (t/ha)79.2367.5966.84
% increase over checks17.2218.54
Sugar yield (t/ha)9.888.598.28
% increase over checks20.7225.24
Sucrose %18.4517.9017.65
% Increase over checks3.805.27

6. Co 0237

  • Co 0237 (Karan 8) is a high sugared early variety selected from the progeny of Co 93016 GC at the Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Regional Centre, Karnal.
  • Co 0237 was identified in 2010 by the Varietal Identification Committee of All
  • India Coordinated Research Project ( Sugarcane ) for commercial cultivation in North Western Zone (Haryana, Punjab, Western and Central U.P., Uttarakhand and Rajasthan).
  • Co 0237 bear medium thick yellow canes with cylindrical internodes, ovate buds, small lanceolate auricle, bud cushion and deep bud groove.
  • The clone is free from splits and spines on leaf sheath. The arrangement of root primordial is regular (generally single row).
  • The fibre content is about 12.98%. The jaggery is of A1 quality with light yellow colour. This variety is moderately resistant to the prevalent races of red rot.
  • This clone was evaluated under All India Coordinated Research Project in the North Western Zone. It ranked 1st for sucrose % in juice, 4th for sugar yield and 5th for cane yield in the zone.
  • In comparison to the check CoJ 64, it showed about 5.53%, 8.73% and 4.92% improvement in cane yield, sugar yield and sucrose % in juice, respectively.

Performance of Co 0237 in All India Coordinated Trials conducted in NWZ

ItemCo 0237CoJ 64CoPant 84211
Cane yield (t/ha)71.3367.5966.84
%increase over checks5.536.72
Sugar yield (t/ha)9.348.598.28
% increase over checks8.7312.80
Sucrose %18.7817.9017.65
% Increase over checks4.926.40

7. Co 05011

  • Co 05011 (Karan 9) is a high yielding mid-late variety selected from the progeny of the cross CoS 8436 x Co 89003 at the Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Regional Centre, Karnal.
  • Co 05011 was identified in 2011 by the Varietal Identification Committee of All India Coordinated Research Project (Sugarcane) for commercial cultivation in  North Western  Zone  (Haryana,  Punjab, Western and  Central U.P., Uttarakhand and Rajasthan).
  • Co 05011 is an erect growing medium thick cane with cylindrical internodes. The colour of internode exposed to the sun is purple, but unexposed internode colour shall be greenish yellow. Co 05011 has round buds, incipient auricle; internode is having small corky patches and feeble Ivory markings. The clone is
  • free from splits and spines on leaf sheath. But these traits can be seen in few canes.
  • The fibre content is about 12.75%. This variety is moderately resistant to the prevalent races of red rot.
  • This clone was evaluated under All India Co-ordinated Research Project in North Western Zone. It ranked 2nd for sugar yield and 3rd for cane yield and sucrose% in the zone. The average cane yield of Co 05011 was 82.47 t/ha. In comparison to the check CoS 767, it showed 13.75% improvement in cane yield, 3.99% improvement in sucrose% and 18.24% improvement in commercial cane sugar yield.
ItemCo 05011CoS 767CoS 8436
Cane yield (t/ha)82.4772.5062.15
%increase over checks13.7532.70
Sugar yield (t/ha)10.248.667.88
% increase over checks18.2429.95
Sucrose %18.0017.3118.15
% Increase over checks3.99-0.83