Sunday, September 23, 2018

Some Important Definitions

Some Definitions of Sugar tech.
1. (i) Chlorophyll : Green colouring matter present in the leaves of plants.
(ii) Photosynthesis : Process by which energy of sunlight is used by plants for
converting C02 from atmosphere and H2O into sugars.
(iii) Maturity : State of full development, ready for use
3. (i) Bagasse : Residue of sugarcane after extracting juice from it.
(ii) Cane preparation : Process of cutting sugarcane to fine pieces.
(iii) Fibre : Thread like slender parts of sugar cane, insoluble in water.
4. (i) Clarification : Treatment of cane juice for removal of suspended and
dissolved impurities.
(ii) Clarifier : Equipment for settling treated cane juice, for decantation of
clear juice and removal of settled portion, termed as mud.
(iii) Filtercake : The insoluble material from treated juice retained on screen
or cloth of filter.
(iv) Clarified juice : The juice obtained after separation of precipitated
or Clear juice impurities.
5. (i) Multiple effect : A set of bodies in which cane juice is concentrated with
evaporator maximum use of vapours generated by boiling of juice.
(ii) Vapour cell or : A boiling vessel in which juice is boiled under pressure, the
pre-evaporator vapour thus generated being used for heating or boiling in
process of manufacture, while the concentrated juice is led to
multiple effect evaporator.
(iii) Exhaust steam : Steam from primemover after generation of power.
(iv) Live steam : Steam from boilers either at the boiler pressure employed for
power generation or at reduced pressure for use in process.
(v) Syrup : Concentrated clear juice from evaporator.
(vi) Brix : Dissolved solids in sugar bearing liquid.
(vii) Condensate : Hot water obtained on condensation of vapour or steam
used for heating or boiling.
(viii) Calandria : Part of a boiling vessel fitted with tubes or coils in which
juices or syrups or thick liquors are heated by steam or
(ix) Scale : (a) Deposit mostly consisting of inorganic salts on the inside
of tubes in boilers or heating and evaporator vessels or
pans.(b) Coating of thin film of material outside the tubes of juice
heaters, evaporator vessels or pans.
(x) Vacuum : State of reduced atmospheric pressure in a vessel.
(xi) Condenser : Apparatus in which vapours are condensed by cooling with
6. (i) Seed : Mass of fine sugar suspended in syrupy liquid boiled in
vacuum pans with sugarbearing liquids.
(ii) Massecuite : Mass of sugar crystals surrounded by sugar containing
liquor, obtained in vacuum pans.
(iii) Molasses : Mother liquor separated from sugar crystals contained in
(iv) Heavy Molasses : Mother liquor obtained by centrifugal separation of sugar
crystals from massecuite with little or no use of water.
(v) Light molasses : Mother liquor obtained during centrifugal operation with
application of water, after separation of heavy molasses from
(vi) Pan : Apparatus in which syrup or molasses are boiled so as to
obtain sugar crystals of the desired size.
(vii) Molasses : Dilution of molasses from different massecuite to about 70°
conditioning Bx followed by heating to 70°C.
(viii) Final molasses : Mother liquor obtained from the last stage of boiling from
which sugar can no longer be recovered economically in the
process of Sugar manufacture.
7. Crystalliser : Apparatus in which the massecuite from pan is discharged,
equipped with stirring mechanism.
8. (i) Centrifugal : Machine for separation of sugar crystals from mother liquor
by rotary motion and centrifugal force.
(ii) Superheated water : Water heated under pressure above its boiling point.
(iii) Spinning or : Separation of Sugar crystals in centrifugal machines,
(iv) Pug mill : Vessel, provided with stirrer, on top of centrifugal machines
receiving massecuite or magma, which feeds the centrifugal
(v) Grass hopper : Sugar conveyor with shaking motion.
(vi) Grader : Apparatus with set of screens subjected to vibrations for
classifying final sugar into different size grains.

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