Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Analysis of Bagasse pol and moisture

bagasse is the fibrous material left over from the sugarcane extraction process, Sugarcane Bagasse is an ingredient in composting. Sugarcane Bagassebagasse is the fibrous material left over from the sugarcaneextraction process, Sugarcane Bagasse is an ingredient in composting.


Object- Determination of pol% and Moisture%Bagasse.
Purpose- to meet process requirement.
Reagents- Horne's dry lead sub acetate.
Equipment- Vertical cylinder, Erlenmeyar flask 250ml capacity, Beaker 250ml capacity  Standardised Brix spindle, Pol tube 400mm , Rapipole extractor, Oven,Dry filter papers and funnel .

Pol tube 

Procedure - pol%bagasse- 250gms. of bagasse sample is taken in the stainless steel vessel of Rapipol Extracter. 2000ml Water (at room temperature ) is added. The vessel is fixed to the bearing bracket, the timer is set for 15 minutes.
After 15 minutes rotation the vessel is taken out and the liquid decanted.
Sufficient amount of Lead subacetate is added and liquid is filtered.
The filtrate is to be polarised in a 400mm tube.
Moisture %bagasse - Take 100gms. of the bagasse in a weighed tray perforated on all sides.Dry in an Oven maintained about 110degC .
Carry out the drying to constant weight.
The loss in weight gives the moisture %.
Observation - Pol readinget =.......
(a)Weight of the tray =......
(b)Weight of the bagasse =100gms.
(c)Weight of tray+ bagasse=.....
(d)Weight of tray +bagasse after drying=........
(e)Weight of bagasse after drying = d-a
Calculation- Moisture %bagasse =100-e and pol%bagasse = direct pol reading recorded above is multiplied by corresponding moisture factor.

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