Saturday, September 22, 2018

Analysis of Juice purity

Object- Determine of brix%, Pol% and purity% of mill juices ( primary,  mixed and last expressed). 
Purpose- to meet process requirement.
Reagents-   Horne's dry lead sub acetate  having following specificaton (a)-Water,not more than 1.5 percent (b)- Total lead (as pbO), not less than 76% (c)- Basic lead (as pbO), not less than 33% (d)- Fineness, all to pass through 35 mesh tyler. To pass through 115 mesh tyler not less than 70%.
Equipment- Vertical cylinder, Erlenmeyar flask 250ml capacity, Beaker 250ml capacity, Standardised Brix spindle, Pol tube, DigitalPolarimeter and Dry filter papers.

Procedure- Brix- Fill the juice to overflow in a cylinder which should be perfectly vertical. Allow the air to escape by standing for 20 minutes.
Gradually lower the brix through hydrometer of approximate range in position. When the spinde
le becomes steady by which time it would also have attained the juice temperature, take the reading of the spindle keeping eye in line with the plane surface of the liquid and note the temperature of the juice.
The corrected brix or brix percent of the juice is given by the reading hydrometer spindle + temperature correction as read from table ivA  corresponding to recorded temperature.
Pol- Transfer about 200ml of juice in to a 300ml Erlenmeyer flask which should have been rinsed with the juice before transferring. Add 2-3g of horne's dry subacetate of lead i.e about 1 gm per 100ml of juice.Shake the flask well and filter , using dry filter papers and Dry funnel. Cover the funnel with a which glass during filtration.
Collect the filtrate in a clean dry beaker, reject the frist few millilitres of the filtrate.
Rinse a 200mm pol tube three time with a portion of the filtrate,  fill the tube,  seeing that there is no air bubbles in it.
Then take the pol reading in apolarimeter. Take average of five reading as the pol reading. Then find Pol percent juice by referring to the schmitz's table.
Observation Table-  Observed brix= ......
                                Temperature =...                   Corrected brix= observed brix+/-         temp.correction
Pol reading in 200 mm tube=........
Pol% (from table )=......
Calculation- Purity of Sample=      (pol%juice/ corrected br%)×100

1 comment:

  1. thanks, but it is old method now their are an instrumental analyses
